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McKnight's Product Theater

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"McKnight's Product Theater"

Don't miss this must attend event!

Please join us at the McKnight's Product Theater and learn about the newest innovations from four prominent industry organizations. Sessions are designed to be concise but informative and will offer a glimpse into the latest technology that will help you run a more successful business in this environment.

Session 1:10:00 am ET

Pharmacogenomics: Medication Risk Management for Long-Term Care

More than four billion drugs are prescribed annually. Many of these drugs do not work as intended, and over two million prescriptions in the U.S. result in an adverse reaction. While clinical trials on prescription drugs can determine data such as recommended dosages for the population involved, this approach assumes that most individuals share genomes that enable them to process drugs at a similar rate and in a similar manner. However, genetic variation can significantly impact individual responses to medications.

Pharmacogenomics is the study of drug-genome interactions and their clinical implications. This form of precision medicine looks for genetic markers that indicate how a resident might respond to a drug, which can help facilities identify, monitor, and manage potential issues associated with resident medications. This event will explain the practice of pharmacogenomics, its benefits to facilities and residents, and PharMerica’s partnership with Singulab to offer risk assessments and testing to help clients reduce adverse events, lower costs, and improve outcomes.

Speaker: Stephen Creasy, Director of Clinical Services, PharMerica


Session 2: 10:30am ET

Get Your Shifts Together: Modern Scheduling Software For Today's Workforce Challenges

See how the best communities are using Kevala's staff scheduling and credential management technology to schedule smarter. Kevala is leading the way for the next generation of better scheduling with easy-build scheduling features, integrated VMS technology and agency marketplace, and an employee experience your employees will actually use.

Speaker: Noah Kusz, Cofounder & CRO, Kevala 


Session 3: 11:00am ET

Employee Retention Credit for Long Term Care Operators

Long-term care, home care, and senior living businesses can participate in the Employee Retention Credit, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars per location. 

This program has not expired; you can still claim it even if you took PPP. Unfortunately, many are still missing out.

Organizations impacted by government orders or those that have seen decreased revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for the Employee Retention Credit of up to $26,000 per employee. 

This must-attend presentation will help long-term care, home care, and senior living businesses learn if they qualify for the credit and explain how to navigate it.

Plus, learn the latest news from the IRS and what it means for your business.

Attendees will learn:

  • Qualification criteria and requirements for long-term care, home care, and senior living businesses to claim ERC 
  • What's the credit worth and how to properly claim it
  • How to ensure you're protected when filing

Speaker: Sadler Graham, President, One Eagle Advisory


Session 4: 11:30am ET

The healthy buildings company

We're short-staffed and struggle to retain nurses and custodial staff. Utility costs have gone up. These are common concerns we hear from the many senior living facilities we've worked with.

With a growing focus on healthy indoor air competing with rising costs, we'll share how R-Zero's senior living partners use affordable, automatic, and continuous indoor health and disinfection solutions to provide healthy spaces, reduce the risk of infection for residents and staff, and reduce staff workload.

Speaker: Kristen Alexander, Chief Marketing Officer, R-Zero

Offered Free by: McKnight's Long-Term Care News
See All Resources from: McKnight's Long-Term Care News

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